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Software Engineering

Engineering Services

Software Engineering Embedded Applications Reverse Engineering

Full Solution Software Development

Not sure where to start? We're experts from start to finish and have developed numerous full services for our clients. We can help you assess exactly what's necessary every step of the way to realize your software vision.

Custom Desktop Software Development

We are experts in modern C++, Electron, Java, and .NET. We have the tools required to create any type of desktop application, including cross-platform applications for Windows, macOS, and Linux, applications with hardware interfaces, or applications with a requirement for high data throughput.

We have the ability to create applications for legacy systems such as those interfacing with industrial equipment or using older technologies. We also have the tools to create high-performance graphics displays such as those used in computer aided design software or game engines.

Have other unusual requirements? Just ask.

Custom Web Application Development

We use a well tested modern architecture based on Node.js to create robust and scalable web application backend services. On the front end, we use technologies from Vanilla JavaScript and jQuery to more advanced frameworks such as Angular and React as the situation requires.

We take pride in creating maintainable codebases, ready for future development. Our expertise with cloud hosting providers such as Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform allows us to provide rock solid hosting solutions with the ability to scale globally.

Being a security focused company, you can rest easy knowing that your application will always be developed under the scrutiny of our security professionals.

Custom Mobile Application Development

From games to data-driven applications, we have the tools and expertise to create native applications for iOS and Android. Whether your application calls for responsive server communication, scalability, or hardware interaction, we'll make it happen.